Identifying Patterns

This section gives an overview on how to recognize patterns.

Problem-Solving Patterns

Recognizing patterns in problems is crucial for efficient problem-solving. Here's a comprehensive guide to common patterns and how to apply them.

Graph Problems

When you see problems involving networks, connections, or paths:

  • Navigate through graphs effectively using DFS or BFS traversal methods
  • Structure your graph using adjacency lists for better performance
  • Identify cycles and determine shortest paths based on problem requirements
  • Consider using topological sort for directed acyclic graphs
  • Watch out for disconnected components

Sliding Window Problems

For problems involving subarrays or subsequences with constraints:

  • Modify window boundaries based on given problem constraints
  • Implement two pointers to efficiently manage window boundaries
  • Keep track of relevant metrics (sums, counts) within the current window
  • Consider using a hash map for frequency tracking
  • Handle edge cases when window size equals array length

Linked List Problems

When working with linked data structures:

  • Implement fast and slow pointers for cycle detection and middle node finding
  • Master in-place reversal through careful pointer manipulation
  • Consider using a dummy head node for edge cases
  • Always validate pointers before accessing next nodes

Maximum/Minimum Subarray Problems

For problems involving optimal subarrays:

  • Apply dynamic programming to identify optimal subarrays
  • Keep track of running sums and compare with global maximum/minimum
  • Break down complex problems into simpler subproblems
  • Consider Kadane's algorithm for contiguous subarrays
  • Handle the case of all negative numbers

In-Place Operations

When space complexity matters:

  • Perform value swaps to achieve desired array ordering
  • Utilize the array itself for storage to avoid extra space
  • Be mindful of index management during swap operations
  • Consider working backwards to prevent overwriting
  • Use mathematical properties to store multiple values in one position

Top/Least K Elements

For problems involving K elements:

  • Utilize heap data structures for efficient K element tracking
  • Consider QuickSelect algorithm when complete sorting isn't needed
  • Optimize memory usage by maintaining K-sized windows
  • Handle duplicate elements appropriately
  • Think about streaming scenarios


When generating combinations or arrangements:

  • Use backtracking to generate all possible combinations
  • Implement early pruning for invalid solution paths
  • Maintain state and revert changes in recursive approaches
  • Consider using bitmasks for subset generation
  • Watch out for duplicate combinations

String Problems

For string manipulation and pattern matching:

  • Implement Map/Trie structures for efficient string operations
  • Use frequency counting to identify patterns
  • Consider using string builders for concatenation
  • Watch for case sensitivity requirements

Recursion-Banned Problems

When recursion is not allowed:

  • Replace recursive calls with stack-based iteration
  • Explicitly track program state during execution
  • Carefully manage stack operations to maintain logical flow
  • Consider multiple stacks for complex state management

Sorted Array Problems

When working with sorted data:

  • Apply binary search techniques to narrow search space
  • Leverage sorted properties for optimization
  • Implement two-pointer approach for pair finding
  • Handle duplicate elements carefully
  • Consider using binary search variations

Tree Problems

For hierarchical data structures:

  • Choose between DFS and BFS based on traversal needs
  • Maintain visited node tracking to prevent cycles
  • Account for edge cases in unbalanced or incomplete trees
  • Consider iterative approaches for better space complexity
  • Use level-order traversal for breadth-based problems

General Approaches

When the pattern isn't immediately clear:

  • Utilize Maps/Sets for constant-time lookups
  • Consider sorting as a preprocessing step
  • Break down complex problems into smaller parts
  • Look for opportunities to preprocess data

Practice Strategy

  1. Identify the core pattern in the problem
  2. Apply appropriate techniques based on the pattern
  3. Consider edge cases and constraints
  4. Practice similar problems to strengthen pattern recognition

Remember: Pattern recognition improves with practice. Focus on understanding why certain patterns work better for specific problems.


Special thanks to Karan Saxena.