Sliding Window Technique

Optimize problems involving subarrays or substrings with the sliding window technique.

What is the Sliding Window Technique?

The Sliding Window technique is a highly efficient method for solving problems that involve arrays or strings. It works by maintaining a subset of the data as a "window" and sliding it across the dataset to optimize the solution, typically reducing the time complexity of brute-force approaches.

This approach is commonly used to solve problems related to subarrays, substrings, or sequences.

How the Technique Works

The Sliding Window technique involves the following steps:

  1. Start with a window (a subset of elements in the dataset), defined by two pointers: start and end.
  2. Expand or shrink the window dynamically based on the problem’s constraints:
    • Expand the window by moving the end pointer.
    • Shrink the window by moving the start pointer.
  3. Keep track of the desired condition (e.g., maximum sum, minimum length, unique characters).
  4. Repeat until the end pointer traverses the dataset.

The key idea is to maintain only the necessary elements in the window at any time, reducing unnecessary computations.

Time & Space Complexities

  • Time Complexity: Typically O(n), as each element is processed at most twice (once when added to the window and once when removed).
  • Space Complexity: O(1) if operating directly on the input, or O(k) for additional storage (e.g., to track elements within the window).

When to Use

The Sliding Window technique is ideal for problems such as:

  • Finding the maximum/minimum sum of a subarray of fixed size.
  • Determining the smallest subarray with a given sum.
  • Counting distinct elements in every subarray of a fixed size.
  • Problems involving substrings with unique characters or other constraints.

Code Examples

def max_subarray_sum(nums, k):
    max_sum, window_sum = 0, 0

    for i in range(len(nums)):
        window_sum += nums[i]

        if i >= k - 1:
            max_sum = max(max_sum, window_sum)
            window_sum -= nums[i - (k - 1)]

    return max_sum

# Example usage
nums = [2, 1, 5, 1, 3, 2]
k = 3
print(f"Maximum sum of subarray of size {k} is {max_subarray_sum(nums, k)}")

Problems to Solve

Important Problems on Sliding Window

Sliding Window [NeetCode]
